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Jon Liedtke

Jon Liedtke is an occasional reporter and opinion columnist, a regular panelist on Rose City Politics, and a consultant focusing on business development, cannabis, event planning, and marketing, as well as an entrepreneur who founded Higher Limits, Canada’s largest cannabis lounge 2016-2019. He has been featured in The Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post, CBC, CTV, the Detroit Free Press, the Detroit News, and Al Jazeera, as well as numerous other local outlets across Canada.

| Jon Liedtke | , , ,
Windsor has been known as SIN CITY for as long as most can remember, so it was no surprise that when cannabis was legalized many…
| Jon Liedtke |
Windsor, Ontario has been known as Sin City for as long as most can remember due to a history of rum running, strip clubs, and…
| Jon Liedtke |
Windsor, Ontario has been known as Sin City for as long as most can remember due to a history of rum running, strip clubs, and…
| Jon Liedtke |
In this piece we conduct an overview of the cannabis retail scene in Ontario to get a sense of what it’s like to open up…
| Jon Liedtke | ,
With a population of 4.3 million, Alberta accounts for roughly 11.5 percent of the Canadian population, and with 466 cannabis providers listed on the Alberta…