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Ryan Fink

| Ryan Fink | ,
A study published recently in the America Chemical Society’s (ACS) journal Omega suggests that terpenes are only part of the picture when determining what compounds…
StratCann’s weekly round-up of news headlines in the cannabis industry for the week ending October 28, 2023.
| Ryan Fink | ,
Despite fears that legalizing cannabis would lead to troubling increases in problematic cannabis use, a new study is once again showing these concerns were over-hyped. 
| Ryan Fink |
Early last December I penned an article for StratCann voicing my hope that Health Canada’s freshly announced allowance of the production and sale of new…
| Ryan Fink | ,
Last Friday, Health Canada announced several changes to the cannabis regulations. While a long-awaited change to beverage equivalency factors is getting most of the attention,…