RCMP in Manitoba are reminding people that they can’t drink or smoke weed while on the ice or inside either a temporary or permanent ice fishing shelter.
Despite the ice being a “colourful cacophony of shacks, snowmobiles, and people”, police in Manitoba are concerned people will add alcohol and/or cannabis to the mix and will then drive impaired.
RCMP reminds the public that the fine for having open alcohol on the ice is $672. For impaired driving, the same rules apply as if a driver was driving impaired on a roadway. Suspension, loss of licence, even jail time could result, depending on the severity of the occurrence. They also remind people to socially distance whilst sober amongst the ice’s colourful cacophony.
“With all sorts of vehicles out and about, no determined roadway, people skiing, walking, and skating, and places where there is open water, the ice can be a challenge to drive on at the best of times,” said S/Sgt. Kyle McFadyen of Manitoba RCMP Traffic Services. “When a driver is impaired, that challenge becomes downright dangerous.”
It is also illegal to consume alcohol or cannabis while operating a boat in Manitoba, as it is in other provinces.