Growing Relationships British Columbia – 2022 Synopsis
StratCann’s Growing Relationships event held in Kelowna, BC on September 26, 2022, was a resounding success, with a sold-out crowd of 180 attendees made-up primarily of retailers and producers (micro and standard).
The event gave BC producers, especially micro and other small craft producers, an opportunity to connect with retailers from around the province in a relaxed yet professional atmosphere while enjoying the beautiful venue located on the shore of Okanagan Lake.
In addition to various presentations and panels included in the half-day event, StratCann held an industry roundtable where we asked for feedback from all of our attendees on what they see as some of the most important industry issues from their perspectives.
As our main presentation room held 18 tables with 10 at each table, we had a representative from each of the 18 tables provide feedback on the various issues they wanted to highlight based on their discussions. Below is a collection of those responses.
While there are many well-known issues that arose across the groups, such as federal excise taxes, 10mg edibles limits, provincial makeups, retail saturation, and marketing restrictions, many other less-common issues were also raised. These included banking and insurance issues (including provincial recall insurance), especially for smaller independent companies, the inability of producers to provide samples to retailers, and the inability of producers to easily know in which BC retailers their products are being sold.
Summary of Discussion Items
- Too many licenses
- Retail saturation
- Shortening supply chain
- Excise stamp
- Mg limit for edibles
- Penalties for shipping to distribution houses
- No central registration between federal and provincial
- Store differentiation
- Budtender education
- Hiring practises
- Listing with LDB
- Changing rules and regulations
- Paperwork constraints
- Market conditions
- Coming together
- Lack of focused networking and discussion
- Equivalencies
- Financial services/credit
- BCCS pricing/margins
- Edible dosing limitations/pricing
- Possession limits
- Can’t try before buying
- Excise tax
- Direct delivery
- Sales/marketing/exposure/regulations/labelling
- Difficult to build relationships
- Banking/recall insurance
- Too many license holders
- Overregulation (provincial)
- Tobacco-like regulations
- Can’t find out where own product is being sold
- Government of Canada questionnaire
- Allow minors in stores
- THC on labels misleading
- Excise tax
- Quality standards
- Overregulation
- Taxes
- Titration
- Marketing restrictions
- Illicit market
- Education/harm reduction
- Edible dosages
- Blind selling/buying
- Banking/Investing
- 30g possession limit
- Edible dosage
- Not being able to test product
- Medical excise tax
- Lack of farmgate
- Direct delivery issues
- Taxes
- Marketing restrictions
- Consumption spaces
- Slow pace of change
- Intro retailers to small/medium producers
- Excise tax
- Overregulation
- Barriers to legacy transition
- Unresponsive regulator
- Access to fresh product/supply chain
- Communication
- Lack of data
- Insurance/banking
- Taxes
- packaging/waste
- Samples
- Terps on every package
- Tax
- Regulatory limits
- POS that works

David Brown gets the day started!

Networking on the patio with gorgeous views!

Event Partner Presentation with Cropsify

Roundtable presentations

Lunch on the patio!