The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, with support from Health Canada, is investing $1.8 million dollars in research on cannabis and the impacts of legalization.
The CCSA will be funding 19 separate projects looking at an array of cannabis-related issues, from better understanding of cannabis use by Canadian veterans, positive and negative impacts of cannabis use and legalization, tracking the legal market, and more.
With Health Canada’s support, each of the 19 projects will receive funding of up to $100,000 over two years. The Mental Health Commission of Canada is contributing $100,000 to support awarded projects with a mental health focus for a combined research investment of $1.8 million.
The CCSA selected these 19 projects based on a call for proposals in late 2020
“These projects are an opportunity to significantly increase our understanding of cannabis in Canada today,” explained Rita Notarandrea, CEO of CCSA in a press release. “They explore so many different topics: from product labelling regulations to the risks and potential benefits of CBD and THC to cannabis’ effect on mental health. The evidence generated from this research will inform and help evaluate the impacts cannabis regulation has had since the Cannabis Act was passed in 2018.”
As part of this initiative, the CCSA created the Canadian Cannabis Research Database, an online tool capturing current and ongoing cannabis research activities in Canada. CCSA has also created an interactive policy map to support researchers and the public with up-to-date information on the different provincial and territorial regulations and bylaws.
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction was created in 1988 as a non-governmental organization to provide national leadership on substance use and to advance solutions to address alcohol- and other drug-related harms.
Project Summaries
- Addressing Potential Negative Impacts from Cannabis Legalization Self-Directed Intervention for Cannabis Misuse
- Bridging the Gap: Veterans and Recreational Cannabis Use
- Cannabis and Polysubstance Use
- Cannabis Use Among First Nations Peoples of Turtle Island: Motives for Use, Substitution and Impacts of Legalization
- Changes in Substance Use and Mental Health in Two Hospital-Based Addiction Treatment Programs Over the Course of Recreational Cannabis Legalization in Canada
- Choice Modelling Study to Explore Canadian Consumer Preferences for Attributes of Cannabis Products and Purchase Experiences
- Evaluating the Short-Term Impacts of Cannabis Legalization on Alcohol Consumption, Co- occurring Cannabis and Alcohol Consumption, and Alcohol Consequences Among Adolescents and Adults in Ontario
- An Examination of the Sex-Specific Psychophysiological Markers of Risk for Physical and Mental Health Problems Across Modes of Cannabis Use
- A Gender- and Age-Based Analysis of Cannabis Use for Pain and Mental Health in a Large Canadian Naturalistic Sample
- Health Warnings, Product Labelling Regulations and Consumer Understanding of the Health Risks of Cannabis
- The Impact of Accurate Knowledge about Vaping and Public Health Initiatives on Cannabis Use Habits of Emerging Adults
- Impacts of Canada’s Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Youth Cannabis Use and Medical Cannabis Consumption
- Public Health Outcomes of Cannabis Supply Sources: Examining the Evidence among Quebec Cannabis Consumers
- Transitioning to the Legal Cannabis Market in Canada
- Understanding Cannabis-Related Physical and Mental Health Presentations to the Emergency Department Following Legalization of Non-Medical Cannabis Use
- Understanding the Relationship Between Recreational Cannabis Use and Mental Health in a Marginalized Population
- Understanding Cannabis Use and Perceptions in Patients with Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- Understanding Responsible and Harmful Cannabis Use
- Wading through the Weeds: A Public Health Response to Supporting Pregnant and Breast/Chest Feeding People Who Consume Cannabis
Please see the list of successful proposals and project summaries.