Effective immediately, licensed cannabis producers may enter into a private label agreement with multiple retailers in Alberta for the same product or products.
The announcement was made in a bulletin shared online on February 5, 2025.
The notice advises licensed producers and Alberta retail cannabis store licensees of changes to the provincial cannabis regulator’s private label policy rules in its Cannabis Representative Handbook and Retail Cannabis Store Handbook.
Under Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) rules, a “Private Label” cannabis product, also known as “Store Brand cannabis products,” is a cannabis product that is manufactured for a retail licensee or a licensed premises and may include features like a licensee name or logo or a licensed premise’s name or logo; a licensee trademarked name or logo or a licensed premise’s trademarked name or logo; or a statement such as “manufactured exclusively for name of licensee or licensed premises.”
Private label products may only be sold by the licensed premises or licensee whose name appears on the label.
The AGLC first announced on May 31, 2024, that it would begin allowing private-label cannabis products, effective immediately. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) began allowing such products in 2022 after a brief opposition to the program.