Consumers in Québec who are looking to satisfy their edible cannabis cravings will soon have some new options.
Beginning soon, the SQDC will be offering new edible cannabis products: Oven baked beets, Dehydrated cauliflower, and Dried figs. Each package contains four units of fruit or vegetable with an option of either 2.5mg THC and 5mg CBD, or 20mg CBD and .01mg THC.
These products are only the second time cannabis edibles have been made available in Québec due to the province’s strict rules around products that can be deemed as appealing to young people.
The SQDC introduced “cannabis bites” in Spring 2022, made of dates, hemp hearts, sunflower seeds, currants, and cinnamon. They are produced by Ontario producer Aphria under their Solei brand.
Quebec does not allow the sale of edibles such as candies, desserts, chocolates, or other products deemed as being appealing to those under the age of 21—the legal age of access in Quebec—but these new cannabis edibles do not fall within these categories.
The province also allows the sale of cannabis beverages.
“These products are in full compliance with the laws that state that we cannot sell edibles that would be attractive to young people (whether it be by their shape, colour, texture or taste), that are not deserts, chocolate or candies,” explained an SQDC representative in an email to StratCann. “If we have new edible products in the future they will fully abide by these legal dispositions that are stated in the current laws regulating cannabis in Québec.”
The new products, the cannabinoid-infused oven-baked beets, dehydrated cauliflower, and dried fig are available from Ontario producer CannMart, in partnership with BC processor Rilaxe Canna who offers a line of different cannabis-infused dried fruits like cherry, apricots, mango and banana that have been available in other provinces. CannMart is a subsidiary of Lifeist Wellness Inc.
These new products come following comments from SQDC president and CEO Jacques Farcy, who told StratCann earlier this year that the agency is looking to work with industry to help identify new products that can fit within the province’s strict regulations.
“We’re honoured that CannMart is one of the first companies to bring solid edibles to Quebec, and we do so with the highest sense of responsibility,” said Daniel Stern, CEO of CannMart in a press release.