After strong gains in October, wholesale cannabis flower prices lowered slightly in November, while cannabis extract wholesale prices continue to decline.
The pricing data comes from the Canadian Cannabis Exchange (CCX), a B2B wholesale cannabis trading platform, as well as a data provider of market insight for all stakeholders from growers to processors to distributors and regulators.
Sellers can list products on the exchange and buyers can bid on those listings based on prices provided by the seller. With over 325 Canadian cannabis producers using the exchange, the prices listed provide a representative snapshot of the current wholesale cannabis market in Canada.
Despite these declines, CCX says they expect the market to hold steady in December.
Dried Flower
For dried flower in the 25%+ range, the average settled price* for products purchased on the Exchange dropped from $3.76 in August to $2 a gram in September, rising again to $3.55 in October. The settled price dropped to about $3.12 in November.
Similarly, in the 20-25% THC range, the average price went from $1.88 in August, to $1.52 in September and then rose again to $1.92 in October, before dropping slightly in November to $1.54 a gram.
In the 15-20% THC category, prices stayed about the same, with prices in October at about $0.87 a gram and dropping to $0.84 in November.
Prices on trim in the 0-10% THC range dropped significantly from $0.12 a gram in October to $0.05 in November. Extractors who are buying trim are also low on storage spaces and the Exchange notes that for larger volume deals, processors are looking for shipment in waves or delayed shipping.

*Settled Price: The weighted average of all transacted deals in each index in the given period. If no deals were transacted.
Settled prices in both THC distillate and CBD distillate reached five-month lows in November. Competition in the extracts space has continued to drive pricing down as groups aim to clear out product and keep distillate flowing through their facilities. Buyers are also taking full advantage of lower-priced biomass to procure inputs. Deal volume however increased in November and we expect demand for high THC (85%+) distillate to continue into December.

However, the Exchange says that the market for cannabis Kief continues to be undersupplied and multiple buyers have been willing to open up their initial parameters (i.e. lower potency ranges) as means to secure needed product.
Prices on THC distillate, CBD distillate and CBD isolate have all declined since July. Settled prices on CBD distillate dropped from about $1,800 kg in October to about $1,400 in November. THC distillate dropped from about $3,500 kg in October to $2,100 in November. There were no settled trades for CBD distillate in September or October but the average price in November was about $5,500.
Clone sales on the exchange have slowed, but the expectation is that sales will increase in the new year. New clones have been listed this month, including Custard Pie, Justin Thunderclap, Black Mountain Side, Misty Mountain Hop, and Physical Graffiti. The Exchange also lists a few new seed strains including Sunshine Pine Autoflower.
Clones list from about $8-13 each depending on volume. Seeds list from about $1.50-3, depending on volume.
CCX also lists cannabis industry equipment such as trimming machines, lights, and much more. The Processing Equipment index now has many “Direct from Manufacturer” options along with used offers.
With recognized names like Mobius and Triminator there is an equipment solution for every scale of processing need. Rosin presses, shredders, and grinders are all available through CCX. This month the Exchange is featuring the Mobius M1085 Trimmer.
To subscribe to the Canadian Cannabis Exchange’s Monthly Pricing Report, contact [email protected].