One Ontario youth is facing charges in relation to several separate break and enters in the London area, dating back to mid-September, while police search for another.
Ten of these locations were cannabis stores, and two were beer stores. An arrest warrant has also been issued for a second male youth wanted in relation to one reported incident.
Members of the London Police Service Street Crime Unit reviewed video footage and determined that the same suspect was responsible for each of the reported break and enters. The suspect was then positively identified by officers.
A search warrant was executed at a residence in the south end of London, and a suspect was arrested on November 19, 2022.
As a result of the investigation, a 17-year-old London male, who cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, has been charged with eleven counts of break and enter and theft, and one count of break and enter with intent.
A 16-year-old, who also cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was also identified and charged by way of a warrant of arrest in relation to one count of break and enter and theft. The 16-year-old has not been arrested and police continue to search for him.
In a video shared by one cannabis store, as well as conversations with employees at different London-area cannabis stores, the front windows or doors were smashed late at night or early in the morning and products were taken. According to police, approximately $46,600 in damages were sustained and approximately $20,504 in products were stolen.
The investigation is ongoing. The 17-year-old male is scheduled to appear in London court on January 9, 2022, in relation to the charges.
Feature image of a smashed display case inside Rightpuff Cannabis following a recent break-in. Image via a CityNews video.